Virginia Total Loss Threshold

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Virginia-Auto-Total-Loss-Threshold-By-Law 🔗 (pdf)


State Virginia
Rule 75%
Law Va. Code Ann. § 46.2-1602.1

Virginia Total Loss Threshold

46.2-1602.1. Duties of insurance companies upon acquiring certain vehicles.

Every insurance company which acquires, as a result of the claims process, any late model vehicle titled in the Commonwealth or any recovered stolen vehicle whose estimated cost of repair exceeds seventy-five percent of its actual cash value shall apply to and obtain from the Department either (i) a salvage certificate or certificate of title as provided in § 46.2-1603 or (ii) a nonrepairable certificate as provided in § 46.2-1603.2 for each such vehicle. An insurance company may apply to and obtain from the Department either a salvage certificate as provided in § 46.2-1603 or a nonrepairable certificate as provided in § 46.2-1603.2 for any other vehicle which is determined to be either a salvage vehicle or a nonrepairable vehicle.

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