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What to Look for When Choosing Reliable Total Loss Appraiser

This guide will walk you through the process of choosing reliable total loss appraisers, offering expert insights, historical context, and unique tips that will put your mind at ease.

Facing the reality of a total loss vehicle is stressful enough without the added headache of finding a trustworthy appraiser.

You’re here because you want to ensure you get the best possible estimate for your vehicle.

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How to Choose a Reliable Appraiser for Your Total Loss Vehicle

Dealing with a total loss vehicle is a daunting task, but finding a reliable appraiser doesn’t have to be.
Here’s a quick guide to help you make an informed decision:

Total Loss Appraisers Quick Guide

For those in a hurry, follow these quick steps to find a reliable appraiser for your total loss vehicle:

  1. Check Credentials: Ensure the appraiser is certified and has experience in total loss valuations.
  2. Read Reviews: Look for online reviews and testimonials from previous clients.
  3. Compare Quotes: Get estimates from multiple appraisers to see how they stack up.
  4. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask about their process and what factors they consider in their appraisal.

Now, let’s dive deeper into each step and explore the history and nuances of vehicle appraisal.


The History of Vehicle Appraisal

Vehicle appraisal has evolved significantly over the years. Originally, appraisals were conducted by local mechanics and car dealers who used their knowledge to estimate a vehicle’s value.

With the rise of insurance companies and the increase in vehicular accidents, a more formalized process was developed.

In the 20th century, the establishment of professional appraisal organizations, like the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), brought standardization to the industry.

These organizations provide training and certification, ensuring that appraisers adhere to strict guidelines and maintain high standards of accuracy and ethics.


Expert Tips for Choosing Total Loss Appraisers

Choosing a reliable appraiser for your total loss vehicle involves more than just picking a name from a list. Here are some expert tips to guide you:

  1. Check Credentials and Certifications
    • Ensure the appraiser is certified by recognized organizations such as the ASA or the International Society of Appraisers (ISA). Certification indicates that the appraiser has undergone rigorous training and adheres to industry standards.
  2. Look for Niche Expert Total Loss Appraisers
    • Not all appraisers specialize in total loss valuations. Look for niche oriented total loss appraisers to ensure they understand the nuances involved.
  3. Read Reviews and Testimonials
    • Online reviews and testimonials can provide insight into an appraiser’s reputation and reliability. Look for patterns in feedback that highlight their strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Compare Multiple Quotes
    • Don’t settle for the first appraisal you receive. Getting quotes from multiple appraisers allows you to compare their assessments and choose the one that offers the most accurate and fair estimate.
  5. Ask Detailed Questions
    • Don’t hesitate to ask potential appraisers about their process, the factors they consider in their valuations, and how they handle disputes. A reliable appraiser will be transparent and willing to explain their methodology.


Lesser-Known Tips

While the above steps are crucial, here are some lesser-known tips that can help you further:

  • Use an Independent Appraiser
    • Insurance companies often have their appraisers, but hiring an independent appraiser ensures an unbiased assessment of your vehicle’s value.
  • Verify Membership in Professional Organizations
    • Appraisers who are members of professional organizations often have access to the latest industry data and trends, which can result in a more accurate appraisal.
  • Consider the Appraiser’s Network
    • Appraisers with a broad network of industry contacts may have better access to comparable sales data and other relevant information.


Why Choose Total Loss Appraisals

When it comes to appraising your total loss vehicle, Total Loss Appraisals stands out for several reasons:

  1. Specialized in Total Loss
    • We focus exclusively on total loss valuations, ensuring that our expertise is unparalleled in this specific area.
  2. Flat Fee Service
    • Unlike others who take a percentage of your claim, we offer a flat fee of just $225, making our services affordable and straightforward.
  3. Patent Pending Methodology
    • Our unique methodology ensures a precise and reliable appraisal, setting us apart from traditional approaches.
  4. No 17c Formula
    • We don’t use the outdated 17c formula, which often undervalues your vehicle. Our approach ensures a fair assessment.
  5. USPAP Compliant Valuation Report
    • Our reports comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), guaranteeing accuracy and professionalism.
  6. Comprehensive Support
    • From demand letters tailored to your claim to follow-up letters, email, and phone support, we provide extensive assistance throughout the process.
  7. FREE Estimate
    • Get your totally FREE claim review. We’ll check if you need an appraisal and verify the fairness of the insurance offer, saving you time and money.


Understanding the 17c Formula and Tony Rached’s Method


The 17c Formula

Alright kiddo, imagine you have a favorite toy car, and it gets a little broken.
The 17c formula is like someone saying, “Oh, your toy car is now worth way less just because it got a scratch.”
It uses a simple, outdated method that often undervalues your toy car, not considering how it was fixed or other important details.
So, it’s not very fair, right?


Why the 17c Formula is a Bad Decision:

  • Outdated: It’s like using old rules for a new game.
  • Unfair: It doesn’t look at the real damage and repairs, so it usually says your car is worth way less than it should be.


Tony Rached’s Method

Now, let’s talk about Tony Rached’s way, which is much better!
Imagine you have that same toy car, and Tony’s method is like a super-smart friend who looks at every detail of the damage and repair.
Tony’s method checks:

  1. How much it cost to fix your toy.
  2. How long it took to fix it.
  3. How serious the damage was.

Tony’s method then mixes these details to give a fair value of your toy car after it’s been fixed.
This way, you know exactly how much your toy is really worth, not just a guess.



  • Detailed and Fair: Looks at all the important bits, not just scratches.
  • Modern Approach: Uses up-to-date methods to be as fair as possible.
  • Accurate Value: Ensures you know the true worth of your car after repairs.

So, Tony’s method is like having a wise friend who helps you get the best value for your favorite toy car!


Reliable Total Loss Appraisers to Consider

When looking for reliable appraisers, here are some top recommendations:

  1. Total Loss Appraisals (our little auto promotion)
    • Specializes in total loss valuations, offers a flat fee service, and uses a patent-pending methodology for precise appraisals.
  2. Auto Appraisal Group
    • Renowned for its nationwide network of experienced appraisers.
  3. Diminished Value of Georgia
  4. Car Appraisals & Claims
    • Offers comprehensive appraisal services with a focus on accuracy and customer satisfaction.
  5. Benchmark Auto Appraisers
    • Known for their detailed reports and professional approach.
  6. Appraisal Engine Inc.
    • Provides thorough and transparent appraisal services.


Important Considerations Before Hiring Total Loss Appraisers

Before hiring an auto appraiser, consider these important factors:

  • Past History
    • Verify if the appraiser is blacklisted by insurance carriers for fraudulent or incompetent practices.
      Check their BBB score and the number of complaints filed against them.


  • Experience
    • Ensure they are full-time appraisers with real-life automotive experience.
      Check if they have been to court and won cases or if they’ve been thrown out for incompetence.


  • Credentials
    • Confirm they have a licensed appraiser on staff and ask for a copy of their license.
      Make sure they have a valid business license and necessary experience to be credible in a court of law.
      Membership in a professional appraisal association is a plus.


  • Accountability
    • Avoid appraisers who offer instant appraisals for a low fee and don’t have a telephone number to call.
      Ensure they have a physical office and offer physical inspections.
      They should be willing to appear in court as your expert witness and comply with USPAP reporting standards.


  • Business Practices
    • Inquire about their appraisal method. If they use a percentage-based formula, find someone else.
      Ensure they have a published pricing schedule and will not change their rates based on your claim.
      They should negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf for first-party claims and should not charge a percentage off your claim.


Beware of Online-Only Total Loss Appraisers

Avoid appraisers who provide instant online appraisals for a low fee, as these are often based on formulas and can be inaccurate.

Be cautious of those who charge inflated fees for unrealistic reports or those who charge contingency fees, which are illegal unless they are attorneys.

Always use a licensed appraiser you can directly communicate with.


Wrapping Up

Choosing a reliable total loss appraiser for your vehicle is crucial to ensuring you receive a fair and accurate estimate.

By checking credentials, reading reviews, comparing quotes, and asking detailed questions, you can make an informed decision.

Remember to consider lesser-known tips, such as using an independent appraiser and verifying professional memberships, to enhance your chances of a satisfactory outcome.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry!

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